Welcome to Blue Ridge Country Dancers contra dance page with information and scheduling for our Floyd contra dances. It's not necessary to bring a partner, but we do insist on clean, soft-soled shoes. All dances are taught; beginners are welcome. The caller will conduct a beginner's workshop before the dance.
Blue Ridge Country Dancers sponsor the second Saturday contra dance in Floyd at the Floyd Center for the Arts, 220 Parkway Lane South, Floyd, Va - 1/2 mile south of the stoplight in Floyd on Rt 8 South. This is the big, barn building on the right just past the car dealership. We will be dancing on the oak dance floor in the community room on the second floor.
January 11th - The dance is cancelled because of weather conditions.
February 8th - Carolina Cat Wranglers with Joy Greenwolfe calling
Treat yourself to an evening of easy, relaxed fun with lots of smiles and live music. All dance figures are taught by the caller, and there is a free lesson at 7:00 pm before the dance which runs from 7:30 - 10:30 pm. Beginners and experienced dancers, all ages, welcome. Come alone or with a partner; dress is casual and soft-soled shoes that glide work best. Admission is $10.00. Come to dance or come to listen--no partner needed.
All are welcome. If you feel sick or were recently exposed to someone with symptoms of an illness that may be contagious, please stay home and take care of yourself, so we can see you at our next dance.
March 8th - Orion (out of Norfolk) with George Segebade calling
April 12th - Big Celtic Fun with Linda Cooper calling
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or questions or to add your name to our E-mail list for regular monthly dance announcements, fill out this little form.